Our Supporting Churches & Ministry Partners

 Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble. And you Philippians yourselves know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church entered into partnership with me in giving and receiving, except you only. Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again. Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.
Philippians 4:14–17 (ESV)

friendship baptist 

Friendship Baptist Church is located in North Charleston, SC, and is led by their Lead Elder, Rev. Mark Timmons. FBC was our first supporting church, and in many ways became Christ-Centered Solutions sending church. The Lord has truly blessed us through the people of FBC with their loving care for us at CCS. To learn more about Friendship please use the button below to visit their website.

atkinson Baptist

Atkinson Baptist Church is located in Atkinson, NC, and is our newest supporting church. Rev. Ken Smith serves as Senior Pastor of Atkinson Baptist. Pastor Smith is a great friend of Christ-Centered Solutions. We appreciate his faithful service to Christ and his strong commitment to his community. Pastor Smith also serves on the Pender County School Board and operates the local barber shop. Please follow the link below to learn more about Pastor Ken Smith and the good folks of Atkinson Baptist Church.

holmes avenue baptist

Holmes Avenue Baptist Church is located in North Charleston, SC, and is led by Rev. Bryan Ayer. Bryan and his folks at Holmes have been a real blessing to CCS. When we needed office space, Bryan jumped to the front of the line and said "we want you to have your office here at Holmes Avenue." So, we didn't need to be invited twice. The main office for Christ-Centered Solutions resides at HABC, and we are happy to be there with loving folks. Follow the Holmes link to learn more about HABC.

Peace Haven baptist 

Peace Haven Baptist Church is located in North Wilkesboro, NC, and is led by Rev. Timothy Pruitt. Peace Haven was Dr. West's first ministry assignment, and Pastor Pruitt was in his youth group. To say the least, Dr. West has some very fond memories of serving at PHBC, and he is extremally proud  of the man and minster Timothy has become. It is also an honor to have Peace Haven as one of CCS's supporting churches. To learn more about the wonderful people at Peace Haven, please use the button below to visit their website.

new things inc ministries

New Things Inc. is an online church led by Dr. Don Cashwell. Dr. Cashwell is a Board Member of Christ-Centered Solutions, and also serves as one of CCS' Biblical counselors. New Things Ministries has a variety of ministries which seeks to connect the gospel with people in an ever-changing culture. As stated on their website, they partner with other local ministries to offer the church and their community Christian resources to help cultivate new life. Learn more about this wonderful ministry and Dr. Cashwell by using the button below. 

hampstead baptist

Hampstead Baptist Church is located in Hampstead NC, and is led by Rev. Joey Canady. Pastor Canady is also a Board Member of Christ-Centered Solutions. Pastor Canady is multitalented from his strong proclimation of the Word to his musical abilities. Hampstead Baptist has been a great blessing to us at Christ-Centered Solutions by aiding in fundraising through our shoe drive, and also providing a meeting place to hold Biblical counseling sessions for those in the Hampstead area. Learn more about Hampstead Baptist Church by using the link button below.

cape fear network 

The Cape Fear Network of Baptist Churches is led by Dr. Michael Cloer as the Network Misson Strategist. Dr. Cloer is a Christ focused leader, and one of the most genuine people you will ever meet. It is such and honor to work with Dr. Cloer and the 70+ Network churches he minsters to, and CCS looks forward to working together on future service projects. Please visit The Cape Fear Network website by using the button below to learn more about this wonderful ministry.  

Oak valley church

Oak Valley Church is a relatively new church plant in Wilmington NC, and is lead by three Godly pastors. Pastor Jimmie Suggs, Pastor Daniel "Booney" Joyner, and Pastor Adam Batts have led Oak Valley since its inception in 2018. Oak Valley's moto says so much about their faith and ministry, "Love God supremely, love others sacrificially and live in the world distinctively." It is a true blessing to have Oak Valley as a partnering church. To learn more about Oak Valley and their ministry, please use the button below to visit their website. 

Arbor Heights Bible Church 

Arbor Heights Bible Church is a wonderful group of believers located in Douglasville, GA. Arbor Heights became a supporting partner of Christ-Centered Solutions in 2023. Their lead Elder, Matt Rayburn, a wonderful man of God, was lead to the ministry of CCS through Dr. Al Smith (CCS Board Member). To learn more about Arbor Heights Bible Church, please follow the link below.




We would be so honored to share the vision, mission, and ministry of Christ-Centered Solutions with you and your church or small group.  Please consider contacting Dr. West or any of our Board members to set a time to talk about the biblical counseling and soul care needs of your congregation or group. Please follow the link below to reach out by email or call Monday - Friday 10 AM - 6 PM, (843) 829-0970 or (910) 339-6714.

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Get to know more about what makes us different.

CCS may seem to partner only with Baptist churches and ministries, but that's not true. However, we look for other like-minded churches and ministries that are orthodox in beliefs and practices. Theological truth is essential to us at CCS because it is the TRUTH of God's Word where we find healing and how to live in a fallen world while preparing for eternity.

We desire to aid as many followers of Christ as possible, and this can only be achieved with the ongoing support of other churches and ministries. At Christ-Centered Solutions, no one is ever turned away from receiving services because of a lack of funds. Why? Because everything we do is on a donation basis.
As Christians we are mandated by Scripture to provide biblical soul care to other Christians who are struggling with life issues. Note these words from the Apostle Paul in Galatians 6, Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:1-2 ESV).

Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of Christ-Centered Solutions. When you help us, you enabvle us to aid other brothers and sisters in Christ who need your help.